Husky rescue.

The first time that i met her i was convinced i had finally found the one.
She was convinced i was under the influence of all those drunken romantics -
I was reading Fante at the the time - I had bukowski on the mind.
She got a job at Jacob's serving cocktails to the local drunks. Against her will.
I fit the the bill: i perched down at the end of the bar, she said, "Space is not just a place for stars" -
I gave you an inch, you want a house with a yard.
And i know she loved me once, but those days are gone.
She used to call me everyday from a pay phone on her break for lunch - just to say she can't wait to come home.

The last time that i saw her she was picking through which records were hers.
Her clothes were packed in boxes, with some pots and pans and books and a toaster.
Just then a mouse scurried across the floor....we started laughing ‘til it didn't hurt.


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